Monday, June 30, 2014

Bowl and Doily Spider

During a recent morning run, I turned the corner to run the road that leads into one of the Greenway entrances, and was blown away by what I saw. There were thousands of them--maybe ten thousand--made more eerie by a morning fog and heavy dew. I did not have my camera with me. It then rained on Friday, and I forgot to go back on Saturday, but on Sunday when I was out for my walk, I took a little detour to see if they were still there. Not a one. I got as close to the brush as I dared, squinting and focusing with all my powers of sight, and could just barely make out the ghostly images, though I was half convinced I was hallucinating because honestly, were they there? I wasn't sure. So a few mornings later, I took my phone with me on my morning run knowing the morning wasn't nearly as dramatic as it had been on that first morning, but hopeful. Once again, I turned the corner onto the road leading to the Greenway entrance, and nothing, nothing, nothing, until there! In the distance a patch. One of the many phenomenal sights in nature, I suspect. Hauntingly beautiful.

You can read more about what this actually is by visiting: