Sunday, January 21, 2024

2024 Update For My Faithful Readers

As my readers may have noticed, I have not posted a story to my blog since November when I announced the publication of my second romance novel, A Matter of Persuasion. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing. I’ve been taking a break from my monthly posts for a number of reasons.

I began The Six Most Dangerous Words blog in December 2010 shortly after the publication of Mercy of the Fallen. I was afraid that if I didn’t keep practicing my craft I would get rusty and maybe even stop writing altogether. For 13 years I faithfully posted every month. I haven’t counted, but a simple calculation tells me that there are a total of 156 stories on the blog. I posted even though for most of those years I was working full time. I posted even while, early on and during a period of three years, I first emotionally navigated my father’s death, and then a divorce after 34 years of marriage. It was rough, but I persevered.

With the publication in late 2022 of Your Kids Don’t Want Your Stuff–A Memoir, a remarkable thing happened: the book became quite popular. It still is popular. Also in late 2022, I began writing a third romance novel, and more recently, I have dusted off an unfinished manuscript that I have already begun reorganizing and rewriting to turn into a fourth novel. These pursuits, of course, all take time and creative energy. Consequently, throughout 2023, I found that I was forcing myself to take time away from these other projects to do a post. I began to see the impending deadline for a post as an unwelcome chore rather than a creative outlet. I felt it was time to hit the pause button.

Due to the popularity of Your Kids Don’t Want Your Stuff–A Memoir, a new adventure, for the purposes of continuing to promote the book, has bubbled up. 

I have now started creating a monthly Instagram video (first one was in December) to highlight what the book refers to as The Category Strategy. You can follow me @yourkidsdontwantyourstuff on Instagram, or you can Follow or Like my author Facebook page where I will crosspost my Instagram videos.

Thank you all for being such faithful readers and followers. I appreciate you all so much! And, who knows? I might still get the impulse to write a story for the blog, but the pressure is off for now.

DJ Anderson

P.S. I’m in the midst of updating my website, but have run into a snag in trying to transfer the URL. In the meantime, the temporary link is:


  1. Congratulations, Deb. And you didn't even mention becoming a grandmother - twice!!

  2. My name is Maveret McClellan. AKA Mave!
